
About Me
Don't Worry, It's The Law

Thanks for stopping by my website focused on law. My name is Luke Donahue and I absolutely love law and order. I wish that there was a greater respect for law in our society. When we understand what is expected of us and what is allowed, it is much easier to make decisions and live a fulfilling life. I feel that some do not respect the law because they simply do not understand it. Therefore, I have decided to create a website that covers various legal topics of interest to me and I will try to explain these topics from a layman's perspective.


4 Signs You Should Hire a Workers Compensation Attorney to Help With Your Workers Compensation Case

21 January 2021
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you have been hurt at work, then you might be planning on filing a workers' compensation case, or you might have already filed one of these cases. You may be able to handle your case without hiring an attorney, but there are certain scenarios in which it's better to hire someone instead of dealing with your case on your own. These are a few top signs that it might be best for you to hire a workers' compensation attorney. Read More …

A Real Estate Attorney Protects You When Buying A Home In Another State

17 December 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

Life is all about changes. One moment you are comfortable and settled in one state, and the next moment your job wants to send you across the country. Fortunately, a real estate attorney can help you uproot and secure a new home in your new destination while protecting your interests. Discover just how an attorney can help you purchase in another state. Knowledge of Buyer Protection Laws Buyer protection laws are those that are intended to safeguard buyers during the purchase of a home. Read More …

Reasons You Might Want A Family Lawyer Helping You Speed Up A Divorce

18 November 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

Hiring a family law attorney when facing a divorce is a good strategy because there are a lot of sensitive and difficult topics at play. One major benefit of working with this professional is their ability to speed things up, which you might want for different reasons. Save on Legal Costs Having help from a family law attorney is important when dealing with the gravity of a divorce, but you don't want the process dragging out because then legal feels will quickly pile up. Read More …

Legal Protocol To Observe Throughout A Divorce

20 October 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

Even couples that were dead set against divorce going into a marriage may find themselves at odds with each other. If you're in this position and divorce looks like a realistic option moving forward, then observe this legal protocol. Don't Bring Another Partner Into the Fold There are some people that have already moved on from their former partner and found someone else, even though the divorce isn't final. If you're in this situation, the last thing you want is bringing the new partner into the divorce. Read More …

Why Is It Crucial To Get A Truck Accident Attorney Involved After An Accident Occurs?

22 September 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

Accidents with trucks happen more often than they should. Unfortunately, the cause of these accidents will vary, but they can occur because truck drivers have blind spots that can prevent them from easily seeing other vehicles. If not for issues with the blind spots, truck accidents can happen because the drivers are overworked, not getting enough rest, and might even be wholly distracted as they ride on the road. The injuries that occur from truck accidents are usually amongst some of the most severe accidents to occur. Read More …