4 Signs You Should Hire a Workers Compensation Attorney to Help With Your Workers Compensation Case

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Thanks for stopping by my website focused on law. My name is Luke Donahue and I absolutely love law and order. I wish that there was a greater respect for law in our society. When we understand what is expected of us and what is allowed, it is much easier to make decisions and live a fulfilling life. I feel that some do not respect the law because they simply do not understand it. Therefore, I have decided to create a website that covers various legal topics of interest to me and I will try to explain these topics from a layman's perspective.


4 Signs You Should Hire a Workers Compensation Attorney to Help With Your Workers Compensation Case

21 January 2021
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you have been hurt at work, then you might be planning on filing a workers' compensation case, or you might have already filed one of these cases. You may be able to handle your case without hiring an attorney, but there are certain scenarios in which it's better to hire someone instead of dealing with your case on your own. These are a few top signs that it might be best for you to hire a workers' compensation attorney.

1. Your Injuries Aren't Clearly Work-Related

If your injuries are clearly work-related, then you shouldn't have as much of an issue with anyone trying to deny your claim. If it isn't quite as clear and easy to prove how you got hurt, on the other hand, you might have a harder time with your case. For example, if you have a back injury that can't be pinpointed to one specific incident at your job, there is a chance that you will struggle with getting your claim approved. In this type of situation, hiring a workers' compensation attorney is a better idea.

2. You Need Extensive Medical Treatment

After being hurt on the job, it's normal to need medical treatment. Some people need more in-depth, extensive, and expensive medical care than others, however. If you need extensive medical treatments, then you probably want to make sure that the workers' compensation insurance company will cover all of these costs. An attorney can help you with this.

3. You're Going to Need a Lot of Time Off Work

You probably want to get back to work as soon as possible. After all, you might enjoy your job, and you might rely on your paychecks so that you can cover all of your expenses and pay all of your bills. Unfortunately, though, your injury might be so significant that you might not be able to return to work anytime soon. If this is the case, then you may need to hire an attorney to help you ensure that you are properly compensated during the time that you aren't able to work.

4. You Have a Permanent Disability

Many people who get injured while on the job end up recovering and going back to work. However, depending on the type of injury that you have sustained, you might have a permanent disability. This means that you might be entitled to more compensation, which an attorney can help you with. Your attorney might be able to help you with filing for social security disability as well so that you can hopefully receive disability payments each month to help you with taking care of yourself.

For more insight on handling your case, contact law services like Nelson Law Office.