Type Of Injuries You Might Sustain After A Dog Attack And How To Get Compensation

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Thanks for stopping by my website focused on law. My name is Luke Donahue and I absolutely love law and order. I wish that there was a greater respect for law in our society. When we understand what is expected of us and what is allowed, it is much easier to make decisions and live a fulfilling life. I feel that some do not respect the law because they simply do not understand it. Therefore, I have decided to create a website that covers various legal topics of interest to me and I will try to explain these topics from a layman's perspective.


Type Of Injuries You Might Sustain After A Dog Attack And How To Get Compensation

19 July 2022
 Categories: Law, Blog

Some dog owners do not take the necessary measures to prevent their dogs from attacking passersby. Therefore, there's a possibility that a loose dog might attack you. Unfortunately, you might sustain severe injuries requiring immediate medical care or hospitalization. Because of this, you may consider filing a claim to compel the wrongdoer to compensate you for your losses. On the other hand, the at-fault party might put up a spirited fight to defend themselves. Therefore, you should hire a personal injury law attorney to assist you in getting and preserving evidence for the following injuries to ensure that you have a strong claim. 

Physical Injuries

A dog can cause severe physical injuries to your face if they knock you down during the attack. Their bites can result in disfigurement, affect your vision and speech, and cause eating challenges. Treating these injuries might require expensive procedures, including corrective surgery to restore a normal appearance. The dog might also injure your eyes, which can cause partial or permanent visual loss. In addition, they can pierce your skin using their claws or cause deep cuts with their teeth.

You are supposed to take a picture of all the injuries you sustained after the attack. Then, your lawyer will get a medical professional to examine you and write a report on your condition. It will indicate the severity of your injuries and a confirmation that a dog caused them. This information will be essential in proving your case and getting the highest payment possible.

Infections from Germs

Open wounds caused by dog bites and scratches can expose you to infections if you don't seek immediate treatment after your accident. As a result, you may swell and feel excessive pain. Your wounds can even become fatal if you don't get quality medical care. When you visit the hospital, your doctor will treat you and write a report indicating that your infection was caused by germs that entered your body through the open wounds caused by the dog attack. Your lawyer will use this report when negotiating a settlement to enable you to recover payment for the money you spent treating the infections.

Emotional Injuries

The memories of the dog attack can cause stress that will affect you for years. As a result, you might fear dogs, especially when you see one that resembles the one that bit you. Scars from dog bites can also affect you psychologically, which might affect your social life.

Contact a personal injury lawyer for assistance if you're considering seeking justice after being injured by a dog. They will locate the dog owner, compile the necessary evidence, and file a lawsuit as you recover.

Click here to read more about personal injury law.