The Baby Is Mine! Things To Know As An Unmarried Dad

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Thanks for stopping by my website focused on law. My name is Luke Donahue and I absolutely love law and order. I wish that there was a greater respect for law in our society. When we understand what is expected of us and what is allowed, it is much easier to make decisions and live a fulfilling life. I feel that some do not respect the law because they simply do not understand it. Therefore, I have decided to create a website that covers various legal topics of interest to me and I will try to explain these topics from a layman's perspective.


The Baby Is Mine! Things To Know As An Unmarried Dad

6 August 2019
 Categories: , Blog

As the father of a child, your role in your child's life is monumental. Whatever you have to do to make sure you are a constant in your baby's life should be done, whether that means seeking visitation, filing for some level of child custody, or something else. Here are a few things you should know as an unmarried dad who wants to be there for their child. 

The father not married to the mother may have no legal rights to the child.

Depending on the state in which you live, if you are not married to the mother of your child when the baby is born, you may have no legal rights to the child unless steps are taken to prove the baby is your own. In some states, the only proof that is necessary will be for both parties to sign a paper that recognizes you are the father. Once this document is submitted to the court system, you will have all the rights and responsibilities that come along with being the parent, which may include visitation and paying child support. 

You may have to take a paternity test to prove you are the father. 

A paternity test is often required by the family court system to prove you are the biological father of the child before you will even be granted visitation, let alone being allowed to file for any level of custody. A paternity test is usually given at a testing center where you may have to do a cheek swab or blood test to show that you and the child are biologically connected. Even though taking a paternity test can be a little burdensome, it is the easiest way to prove that you are the father of a child, and there is no way for this test to be disputed in court. 

Child custody laws can vary after divorce according to the state. 

If you were married to the mother of your child when the child is born and you want some level of custody after a divorce, you will have to work with a child custody attorney to determine what you need to do to gain those rights. It is common for a child to be left with the mother during a divorce, but this is not always the case. The best way to ensure you are granted some level of custody is to stay consistently involved in the child's life in spite of the divorce. 

For more information and tips, work with a firm like the Law Offices of Lynda Latta, LLC