3 Ways That A Lawyer Can Protect You And Your Dog In A Dog Bite Case

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3 Ways That A Lawyer Can Protect You And Your Dog In A Dog Bite Case

3 August 2016
 Categories: Law, Blog

Finding out that your dog has bitten someone is a nightmare scenario for many dog owners, mostly because that situation can result in a very hefty lawsuit against you and your family and even the death of your family pet. However, there are a few ways that a lawyer can help protect you and your dog in a dog bite case, such as the three listed below.

Prove That The Dog Was Provoked

One of the most common defenses that your attorney will try when protecting you and your dog after a bite has occurred is to prove that the dog was provoked in some way. This provocation can take several forms, such as the dog being startled, frightened, or in pain. For example, this defense is feasible if your dog only bit someone because that person was actively tormenting the dog in some way, such as by throwing items at the dog or striking the dog.

Another situation where this defense may be used is if the dog was asleep and shocked awake by being stepped on or from a loud noise occurring next to the dog. In those situations, it is only natural for a dog to react defensively and can be used to have the case against you thrown out and to keep your dog from being put down.

Prove That Ample Steps Were Taken Prevent The Bite

Another way that an attorney can help you with a dog bit case is by proving that you took ample steps to prevent the dog from biting someone. These steps can include keeping your dog on a leash within your yard, even if the yard was fenced in or warning someone approaching your dog to leave the dog alone several times. 

If a person jumps your fence or deliberately walks up to your dog that has been secured in your yard with a leash, then he or she is taking on the responsibility for the bite because he or she ignored your safety precautions. In addition, if you warn someone repeatedly to stay away from your dog while you are walking your pet and they ignore those warnings, then you may not be held liable for the bite and your dog may not need to be put down.

Make an appointment with a personal injury attorney, like Risley Law Firm, P.C., that specializes in dog bite cases today in order to discuss defense options if your dog has bitten someone. The attorney can help by trying to prove that the dog was provoked and that sufficient steps were taken to prevent the bite.