Workers' Compensation: How To File A Claim For Black Lung

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Workers' Compensation: How To File A Claim For Black Lung

29 January 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Black lung is a very serious medical condition that is the result of exposure to coal mine dust. If you work in a mining job that mines coal, you should be aware of this condition, what the symptoms are, and how to treat it.

If you think you are a victim of black lung from your occupation, this information will also help you to file a claim and get the benefits you deserve:

About Black Lung

The first thing you should know is exactly what black lung is and why it is so dangerous. Black lung, also called coal workers' pneumoconiosis, is a condition that develops if a coal miner inhales the dust deep within or around a coal mine. You may think that coal dust exposure only occurs inside the mine, but you are also at risk above ground where it is being processed. When you get black lung, it eventually leads to permanent scarring of your lungs. It can come on gradually, starting with coughing and difficulty breathing, than eventually leading to lung disease.

The condition starts when your immune system attempts to get rid of the coal dust particles, but your body can't expel them, so they have nowhere to go but stick around in your lungs.

Signs and Symptoms

You may not notice many signs and symptoms when you are first exposed to coal mine dust, as it develops over time. The first symptoms usually include a dry cough or shortness of breath. Even these symptoms can appear like a simple cough or minor illness until they start getting worse. Eventually, you will experience pain and discomfort of the lungs, a severe cough, wheezing, coughing blood, or shortness of breath. If you work in a coal mine and experience any of these symptoms, you should visit a doctor right away.

Seeking Treatment

Before you can file a claim against your employer for black lung, you first need to see a doctor. As soon as you show any symptoms, you should see your doctor right away. As you do so, make sure you save all your records. This includes receipts for medications or co-pays, deductibles, and anything you had to pay or out-of-pocket. If it is work-related, you also need to let your employer know so you can file for workers' compensation for medical treatment.

Workers' Compensation

Since black lung is a work-related illness, it should be covered under your workers' compensation policy. Make sure you file your claim in a timely manner, as there is a time restriction in each state. Get the forms from your employee's human resources department and get them filled out promptly. You may also want to get legal assistance if you need help filing the claim, or if you are denied coverage and need to file an appeal.

To learn more, or if you have other questions, contact a comapny like Lipman Law Firm PC.